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.NET Core Now Available and Supported on Codeanywhere

.NET Core

This year Microsoft officially open sourced and released .NET Core, on Linux as well as Windows. The move means that the .NET Core runtime, libraries and tools are all available for developers to create modern web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications on any platform.

Getting started with .NET Core

We here at Codeanywhere love to support anything open source, and now that .NET Core is available, the only logical step was to make it available in Codeanywhere. So as of today we are proud to announce that you can now spin up a Container in Codeanywhere, with the .NET Core stack preconfigured.

So now in seconds you can get your .NET Core container running and start developing your .NET sites and applications.

To start, go to File > New Connection > Container > pick .NET Core and hit Create. In about 30 seconds your .NET Core container will be ready to go!

For more info about .NET Core, check out their offical website: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core

Then login to Codeanywhere and start coding in .NET! To get started right away login to Codeanywhere now.

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